Francine Jock | Project Antelope
Project Antelope

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Francine Jock

Francine Jock is Turtle Clan of the Oneida Nation. She was raised on The Mohawk Territory of Akwesasne with her Mohawk Bear Clan Father, Mother and 2 sisters. She is a mother of 6 children and 4 beautiful grandchildren. Her paternal grandmother was very adamant in her knowledge of The Great Law Of Peace, and intertwined it into much of her early development.
From an early age Francine attended many fairs watching her mother and her matrilineal family sell their beadwork. At the age of 6 she started making trinkets to sell on her mothers table. In her late teens she started making more intricate work to sell with her mother to help pay for her schooling. By the time she was into her 30s she decided she needed to become the main artist of her own table. Now that she's in her 40s beads have become her main focus.

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